Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A leap of what?

Hi there, I'm Jeremy Sher. I'm a small business owner in Boston. I think if you ask around among entrepreneurs, you'll find it takes a lot of faith to run a business! That's true at any time, but especially in this economy, starting a business is a pretty serious leap of faith.

Wait a minute, a leap of what? Isn't faith a superstitious word? Don't we have to focus on things that pay the bills? Well, I think if you're looking for faith, houses of worship are one place to look, but business sure as heck is another. Every business owner has a lot of faith -- at the very least, faith in their ideas, faith in themselves, and for many, religious faith also plays a crucial role. It shouldn't be surprising, then, to examine history and find a continuing nexus of business and faith, from the ancient subsistence farmer right up to today's small and large businesses.

I thought we'd create a space here on The Spiritual Entrepreneur to talk about faith in business. We can think about religious faith, and because I'm a religious person, I'll devote a lot of space to that. But this blog is for everybody! Faith, to me, is so much broader than just my religion, or even anything that might be recognizable as religion. So if you're a business owner, investor, employee, consultant, observer, or anyone who has anything to do with business -- welcome! If we all agree that owning a business is a leap of faith, let's talk about what that leap really is.

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